Do You See What I See?: New Cataract Surgical Chairs

Do You See What I See?: New Cataract Surgical Chairs

I have struggled with my vision for many years. I got my first pair of glasses when I was in second grade and had to wear them full time in fourth grade. I still remember how amazed I was when I got my glasses and I could see detail in the leaves on the trees. I have depended on glasses or contact lenses to correct my vision for decades.

Cataracts cloud vision and are usually associated with aging. WebMD states more than half of Americans over 65 have cataracts. For 30 years, Ophthalmology Services have been offered at Windom Area Health Outreach to provide onsite cataract procedures. It gives me comfort knowing that if I need a cataract procedure I won’t have to travel out of town to get first rate care.

To ensure that continued level of care, the surgical chairs that are used for cataract procedures must be replaced. A goal of the Windom Area Health Foundation is to raise $30,000 to replace several surgical chairs in the next several months. These specialty surgical chairs recline all the way back so the patient does not have to move from the chair before, during, or after the procedure. “The new chairs will definitely improve our patients’ experience when having cataract surgery,” Brittany Schichtl, Surgery Department Supervisor, shared, “They’ll be more comfortable and will be able to steer better than our current chairs, which makes a big difference to both patients and staff.”

As we enter the season of giving, we hope you consider a gift to the Windom Area Health Foundation. Your donation will support our surgical chair updates, so more patients can comfortably benefit from corrected vision. No one wants to miss any special moments this holiday season . To learn more or donate, call 507-831-0615 or click here.

By Kim Armstrong, Executive Director of Compliance and Foundation/Auxiliary

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