Patient & Family Advisory Council

Windom Area Health Invites Patients and Families…

To Share...

Windom Area Health relies on a Patient & Family Advisory Council to serve in an advisory capacity to support the organization in personalizing and improving the healthcare experience, improving safety and advancing performance improvement efforts.

Our goal is to include patients and families at every level throughout their care with us. Through conversations, sharing ideas, and inviting patients to participate, the outcome will be better health care for everyone.

To Make a Difference...

Our Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is made up of community members that have used or are familiar with our services. They attend a meeting every other month, along with several members of our staff. They work on various projects and issues, such as:

  • patient flow and traffic
  • service issues
  • marketing issues
  • facility navigation
  • performance improvement efforts
  • clinical issues like safety and readmissions.

We look to our PFAC members to provide a unique patient and family perspective.

To Participate...

Patients and family members with both positive and constructive feedback and experiences are invited to join.

Contact Emily Masters,  Chief Human Relations Officer,  to get more information or to join the PFAC at:
507-831-0625 or
[email protected]

Include Always

Windom Area Health was proud to be named one of five Minnesota hospitals to be a pilot for the Include Always program.

Include Always. That’s what we aim to do. Include patients and families at every level throughout the health care system. Through conversations, sharing ideas, and inviting the patient in, the outcome will be better health care for everyone. We’re not launching a campaign that begins and ends. Together, we’re creating a cultural shift, a unified mindset where the patient is truly one of us. It’s a whole new health care approach. It takes a whole lot of change. It takes courage. It takes all of us working together to make our system the best it can be. We will listen more, engage often, and Include Always.

Quality Awards

The Windom Area Health has been recognized by:

  • March of Dimes for reducing the number of elective inductions and Cesarean deliveries performed before 39 completed weeks of pregnancy
  • Hospitals & Health Networks as a “Most Wired” hospital for excellence in information technology utilization
  • Minnesota Hospital Association for SAFE ACCOUNT and SAFE SITE, for work on quality in surgical procedures
  • Minnesota Hospital Association for SAFE FALLS, for work on preventing patient falls during their hospital stay
  • Minnesota Hospital Association for SAFE SKIN, for work on preventing patient pressure ulcers.
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