Summer Blood Drive Hosted at Windom Area Health

Summer Blood Drive Hosted at Windom Area Health

Windom, MN – Windom Area Health and Community Blood Bank (CBB) partner up to host a community blood drive that will strengthen the local supply throughout the summer months. Residents are asked to consider donating blood on Monday, July 8th between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Windom Area Health. Those donating blood will receive a $10 Hy-Vee gift card and a $5 DQ gift certificate as a thank you gift.  Donors may schedule a donation appointment by clicking here, or logging onto, selecting “events” and July 8th, or calling CBB at 605-331-3222. All blood donations will stay local for local use with all blood types in immediate need.     

“Committing to give blood is a decision to improve the lives of people in the community requiring health services. These patients could be very vulnerable, potentially fighting a serious illness, and with just one donation of blood, their lives could be changed,” states Ken Versteeg, Executive Director of Community Blood Bank. “Oftentimes, people don’t consider donating blood until a loved one requires a blood transfusion. We need blood every day. This can only come from those community members deciding to volunteer and give without knowing how their donation will affect another’s life. We encourage you to step forward and support the community’s blood supply at this blood drive on July 8th.”

Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with a signed parent consent form), weigh 110 lbs or more and be in good general health. It is recommended that a person eat and drink plenty of fluids prior to donating blood. Please bring an ID with you at the time of donation. For more information log onto, call Community Blood Bank at 605-331-3222. Community Blood Bank is the only blood provider to Windom Area Health and 35 other area hospitals.  

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