Rock the Rink Pink

“Stick”ing it to Breast Cancer

2017 ROCK THE RINK PINK can be marked in our books as a huge success!

ROCK THE RINK PINK was held last Thursday evening (January 26) at the Windom Arena. Many fantastic silent auction items were donated this year, including:  2 TWINS Champion Club tickets, 4 WILD tickets, a value meal a week (year) from McDonald’s, $100.00 Gift Card from Legend’s Day Spa, $100.00 gift cards from Hy-Vee, autographed puck from MN Wild’s Chris Stewart to name a few HOT ITEMS! Stocking hats seemed to be the craze, selling out of both black and pink by the end of the night. Remaining from the sale are a few stadium blankets, if interested in purchasing a blanket please contact Shannon LaCanne at 831-0671.

The Windom High School Women’s Pop Group sang the National Anthem before the Girl’s/Boy’s Doubleheader and the little mites stole the show during both intermissions. “We had fantastic support from the Hockey community” states Shannon LaCanne, “As they were very appreciative of the Foundation and Sanford for teaming up with this event.” ROCK THE RINK PINK helped the Windom Area Foundation raise over $1500.00 in proceeds to go towards the Breast Health Fund.

A big thank you to all who participated or purchased ROCK THE RINK PINK items, because of your support all proceeds going to the Breast Health Fund allow for the purchase of gas cards, assist with household utilities, transportation costs, child care and mammograms.

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