Medical Screeners: Here To Help

Medical Screeners: Here To Help
Ryan Fauglid,
Medical Screener

“Do you have any new or worsening sore throat, cough, shortness of breath…?” If you have visited Windom Area Health over the course of the past 14 months, you are probably well acquainted with the friendly faces greeting you with a long list of questions.

Medical screeners here at Windom Area Health have the important job of ensuring that patients and employees alike in our facility are kept as safe and healthy as possible. We work to make sure that patients with COVID-19 signs, symptoms, and exposures are kept away from other patients without lessening the quality of their care and treatment here at WAH.

However, medical screeners are tasked with more than just reciting twelve common COVID-19 symptoms from memory and pointing a thermometer at your forehead. As the first faces you see when you walk in the doors, it is our duty to make your time at this facility as stress-free and easy as possible. Patients coming here can be anxious, nervous, or perhaps even scared. While we can not necessarily alleviate all the worries and struggles of patients with a friendly smile and warm tone, we can eliminate any added stressors to your experience.

Need directions? Medical Screeners can help you. Have general questions? Medical Screeners can help you. Need somebody to push your wheelchair down the long hallway? Medical Screeners can help you. We can do it all.

In the era of COVID-19, we understand that the questions asked by us are not the most fun to listen to and that face masks can be a pain to wear. But it is just one part of keeping everyone safe and healthy – and you can help us do that.

Keep up to date with current COVID-19 guidelines here at Windom Area Health by checking out our COVID-19 Operations Updates.

By Ryan Fauglid

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