Materials Management at WAH

Did you know that through the Materials Management Department, we stock over 90 locations within the hospital? Of those 90 locations, we stock about 30 of them with a system called 2-binning. 2-binning is a way of stocking supplies with two bins for each item. Each bin has a nursing label on the front and a materials label on the side. The materials label has all the information we need to re-stock the item, including the item number, item description, shelf location and a barcode for scanning.

Our 2-Binning Process at Windom Area Health:
1. When a bin is empty, nursing staff removes the empty bin, pulls the back bin forward and places the empty bin in a designated area.
2. Materials management staff then comes and scans the empty bins to trigger a reorder of that supply.
3. A pick list will print in our storeroom and we refill the empty bin from our storeroom supply based on the pick list that printed. Back at the location, we place the replenished bin behind the other.

In some locations, we had to get creative due to space. You can see in the pictures below we stacked the bins or turned the second bin to face the opposite way. Each locations is checked, scanned and resupplied 5 days/week. This allows for saved space by not having to keep as much stock on hand and adds security for nursing staff that they will have the supplies that they need when they are needed. The system also allows for supplies to be easier to find, accurate reordering, less time to count each supply and resupply–therefore allowing time for restocking each day.

Blog Written By: Jeanna LaCanne, Materials Manager


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