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Color Run Returns on June 11th, 2016!

Color Me Fun Run - Family FUN for all! Windom Area Hospital presents the 20th annual Color Me Fun Run. Entrants can choose from four colorful events that are open to people of all ages and ability, including the 5K and 1-mile run/walk and our children’s events. What’s New? At every kilometer, we will be […]

Childbirth Refresher Class

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Are you getting ready to welcome another baby into your family? The Birth Place at Windom Area Hospital offers a one-night Childbirth Refresher course for experienced parents. Join us on Tuesday, July 19th  at 6:30 p.m. at the hospital for a 2 hour course on labor and delivery patterns, pain management options, relaxation techniques, a […]

Relay for Life

Come visit the hospital booth to sign up for prizes! – Location: Tegals Park, 4pm

Prenatal Education Class

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The birth of a child is one of life’s greatest joys, but it takes a lot of preparation. Windom Area Hospital is here to help you with your pregnancy and childbirth! We are offering a prenatal education program to prepare expecting parents. The class offers education and resources on labor and delivery patterns, pain management, […]

Stroke Screenings

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Stroke Screening America will be at Windom Area Hospital offering 4 screenings on Wednesday, August 10th.

Breastfeeding Class

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

This breastfeeding class for parents is essential to give you and your newborn the best chance of success at breastfeeding!

Parkinson’s Support Group

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Heroes Behind the Badges Blood Drive

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Windom Law Enforcement/EMS and the Windom Fire Department will once again be competing to see who can recruit the most blood donors for the community’s blood supply in the 11th annual “Heroes Behind the Badges” community blood drive.   Thursday, Sept 22 from 11:30 am - 7 pm

Auxiliary Fall Festival

The Luthera Church of Our Savior 1157 3rd Ave, Windom , MN, United States

Windom Area Hospital Auxiliary Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, September 24th from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at The Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 1157 3rd Avenue, Windom. Fall Festival attendees will find the basement at The Lutheran Church of Our Savior adorned with garden produce, homemade baked goods, and “white elephant” items. Hospital Silent […]

Tammy Hall Breast Health Walk

You can register online by clicking here.  Or look for hard copy registration forms in September! The event will start and end at the Windom High School. NEW TIMELINE: The event will start a half hour earlier with a brunch at Jack Slades! TIMELINE 8:30 a.m. - Registration, shirt pick-up and raffle ticket sales. Pink […]

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