2025 Foundation Education Scholarships Open

2025 Foundation Education Scholarships Open

Windom, MN – It’s that time of year! Windom Area Health Foundation is excited to award up to six scholarships this year to students pursuing healthcare careers. These scholarships are part of our mission to “promote exceptional quality care and wellbeing for rural communities in southwest Minnesota.” That quality care depends on top-notch healthcare professionals.

That’s why we offer our Education Fund, which supports local students who are committed to pursuing a career in healthcare. Scholarships help offset the cost of schooling and are a way for donors in our community to directly support our future healthcare workforce.

“Access to healthcare in rural communities is not just about treatment—it’s about ensuring that every person has the opportunity to live a healthy life, no matter where they live,” says Landon Johnson, Director of Nursing. “In rural areas, healthcare is a lifeline that connects individuals to well-being, reduces disparities, and strengthens the fabric of these communities.”

We are proud that many of our local healthcare providers have a passion for small town care, have grown up in Windom or similar rural areas, and have even been past recipients of the Foundation scholarship.


High school seniors or college students in Cottonwood County or its surrounding counties, who are actively pursuing a career in healthcare, are eligible to apply. The scholarship application window runs February 4 – March 18. Application criteria focuses on the student’s demonstration of leadership, integrity, community service, and commitment to pursuing a healthcare field of study.

This year, we are proud to offer six awards: one $5,000 award, two $2,500 awards, and three $1,000 awards. For the $1,000 award consideration, students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have two references. For awards $2,500+, students need to have a GPA of at least 3.5 and submit three reference forms. All applicants should fill out the application cover sheet and craft an essay showcasing why they are pursuing a healthcare career and how they align with the award criteria. Documentation of GPA and acceptance/enrollment in a post-secondary healthcare-related program are also required.

Past applicants and awardees are eligible to re-apply, so long as they meet all the award criteria. Students who are selected for the scholarships will be asked to submit a photograph for marketing use. Awards are paid out to the student’s account balance after the successful completion of the first semester.

We encourage students to work with their school guidance counselor for the submission of all materials. To learn more and download the application, click here and refer to the Education Fund section.

Read about the 2024 winners by clicking here.

Contact Katie Greener, Director of Foundation & Auxiliary, for more information at 507-831-0633 and [email protected].

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