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5 Tips for Thanksgiving Eating

5 Tips for Thanksgiving Eating

Hard to believe it is November and holiday season is right around the corner. I love this time of year. Feasting on the traditional Thanksgiving spread is one of my favorite meals of the whole year. Enjoying the stuffing, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie are some of my favorites, but unfortunately, they are not free of calories. It can be very challenging to eat healthy during the holiday season, but hopefully some of these tips can help you enjoy without overindulging on your holiday favorites.

  • Bring something healthy to share. If there are no healthy options at your Thanksgiving gathering, you won’t even have the opportunity to balance your treats with something healthy. Be the person that brings the veggie or fruit tray. Find a tossed salad that pairs well with the entrée. (Feel free to browse our Be Well Bites recipes for options!)
  • Balance your plate. Make sure to include a mix of different food groups on your plate. Of course emphasis on the fruits and vegetables will be most beneficial, but don’t forget to include protein to help keep you fuller for longer.
  • Choose water. Selecting water as your primary beverage can save you a lot of unnecessary calories. If you must indulge in some punch or wine, be mindful of the portion. Include water as your primary choice.
  • Survey the spread. Before you load up your plate, prioritize your stomach space. You might want to skip the dinner roll to have room for stuffing. Enjoy a taste size of some items. Having a hard time picking between flavors of pie? Split with someone and enjoy two half-sized pieces. Make it a goal to only make one trip to the spread of food instead of multiple trips.
  • Plan for the day. Don’t skip breakfast the day of your gathering because you will likely overindulge on the snacks before the gathering even starts. Try not to socialize by the food because it’s easy to mindlessly munch and lost track of how much you actually snacked on.

Healthy eating is challenging, but especially difficult during holiday gatherings. It can be easy to tell ourselves to overindulge now because we will get back on track soon. Don’t let yourself get in this mindset. Start making healthy changes today. If you have been making progress towards a healthier lifestyle, don’t let one day, week, or month get you off track from your goals. Keep making healthy choices a majority of the time, but enjoy every bite when you are indulging in some of your Thanksgiving favorites.

By Abby Kipfer, Registered Dietitian
A version of this blog will appear in the Citizen on December 6th, so make sure to check out the Recipe Corner for some healthy dishes that Abby recommends for the holidays!

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