2021 Power and Acceleration Program Recap

We have come to the end of another great summer of our Windom Area Health Power and Acceleration Program. The program was extremely successful this year with many student athletes involved.  

The 2021 Power and Acceleration Program was made possible by some great new and veteran coaches. Devin Homer and Anna Volk coached the agility, speed, and power part of the program while Erin Elder, Jeremy O’Donnell, and Greg Scheitel ran the weight room portion. All of our coaches do a great job of focusing on improving the athletes’ overall agility, speed, power, and strength along with emphasizing proper technique and movement patterns that decreases risk of injury. 

Attendance was very good again this year despite coming off a summer where we were not able to run the program. Seventy-seven student athletes, grades 5-12, sacrificed their early mornings to participate and improve themselves for their upcoming sports this fall and beyond. 

Although 8 weeks is a short period of time, we were able to see nice improvements with speed, quickness, and strength. Small changes in their speed and quickness convert to big functional improvements while participating in competitions during the season. The weight lifting portion of the 2021 Power and Acceleration Program tallied huge increases in strength that will also translate to functional gains on the court/field/track/course.  

We would like to thank all the student athletes that participated in this summer’s program. We were so happy to be back coaching and working to improve Windom Area School’s athletics. There is a great deal of excitement and buzz around our sports programs this year and we cannot wait to support the kids! 

By Mitch Boeck, DPT at Windom Area Health Rehabilitation Department

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