Rehabilitation Construction: Complete

WE MADE IT! I can’t believe it, but we made it. The construction is complete and we have moved!! We are in our beautiful new rehabilitation area and ready for business.  A big “thank you” to everyone who put up with us during our time of transition. It was well worth the wait and inconvenience to get here.

Our new area is more than double that of our old space, complete with 4 individual Physical therapy treatment/evaluations rooms, an Occupational therapy evaluation/treatment room, Speech therapy evaluation/treatment room, pediatric/sensory room, and Parkinson’s BIG treatment room. These rooms will provide the utmost privacy for our patients.

Our new, very spacious gym will house all of our previous equipment and a couple of new pieces including the Power Tower which is new piece of strengthening equipment, the Solo Step which is a ceiling mounted track system designed to protect patients during the rehabilitation process, in addition to a large Hi/Lo mat table. We have also purchased several therapy swings and a rock climbing wall for our pediatric/sensory room.

We are very excited to show off our new space. We will be holding community tours in conjunctions with Hospital Week. They will be held on Tuesday, May 14th from 5-7 pm. Come and join us and check out the new and improved Windom Area Health – Rehabilitation area.


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