Preparing for Cold & Flu Season

Before we know it Old Man Winter will be here. The temps are going to get cold and the snow will begin to fly. That means we will be staying indoors and bundling up so we do not get cold. It also means the cold and flu virus will run rampant. Nobody likes getting sick and missing out on the fun things to do in life. Here are a few things to help us prevent getting sick:

  • Get a flu shot
  • Take vitamin C & D (ask with Doctor first)
  • Stay hydrated
  • Wash hands- this is the first protection against bacteria and viruses
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat healthy food rich in Vitamin C & E
  • Exercise

During the cold and flu season we need to listen to our bodies and let it tell us what it needs. If you feel tired or stressed, take the time to rest and not push too much. If you keep going and do not take time to rest, it will run down your immune system and that gives you the potential for getting sick. When we are in public, be careful not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands. If you need to touch your eyes, nose or mouthwash your hands or use sanitizer first. If we do get sick, here are some things to think about before we go out to work, school and in public:

  • Stay home if fever is present and/ or don’t feel good
  • Cough into shirt/Kleenex
  • Wash hands before and after touching face
  • Put vicks on bottom of feet then put socks on and put vicks on throat if sore
  • Drink warm green tea, warm tang, or honey in a cup of warm water
  • Use humidifier
  • Use cough drops to help with coughing and sore throat

The old saying goes: starve the flu and feed the cold. When I have the flu, I will try eating a cracker and a few sips of 7up or Sprite and see how my body reacts. Chicken noodle soup is also good, even if only drinking the broth.

We can get sick 2-3 days after being exposed to someone who was sick. We are most contagious the first 3-4 days after the onset of symptoms. Some cold can linger for as long as 2 weeks but most cold clear up in a week. Try following some of these suggestions and hopefully you can find something that will help you this cold and flu season!

Stay hydrated, get enough sleep and have a great fall and winter season!

 Blog Written By: Dixie Duerksen, Medical Lab Technician

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