Payment Policies


Windom Area Health is striving to make the filing of hospital medical claims as easy and efficient as possible. We understand that receiving medical care at a hospital can be a time of anxiety and concern for you and your loved ones. It is our goal to simplify the paperwork process, so that you have one less thing to worry about.


Charges will vary depending on the services provided. You will receive a statement from the billing department advising you of the status of your account. Our charges are for hospital rendered services and those provided by the ER doctors and anesthetists. You will be billed separately by the physicians who administered your care, including any outreach physicians.


Windom Area Health is proud of its public mission to provide quality care to all who need it, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We provide financial assistance to patients based on their income, assets and needs.

It is important that you let us know if you will have trouble paying your bill; federal and state laws require all hospitals to seek full payment of what they bill patients. This means we may turn unpaid bills over to a collections agency, which could affect your credit status.

In addition to your hospital bill, you may also receive a separate bill from other providers such as the physician or clinic providing test interpretation (EKG, EEG, Radiology, Pathology). Our financial assistance program relates only to the care provided and therefore the bill from, Windom Area Health.

For more information, please contact our Billing Department by calling (507) 831-0616, (888) 425-9936 or 1-800-720-1501. We will treat your questions with confidentiality and courtesy. Windom Area Health offers a discount to charges for uninsured Minnesota residents.


  1. Cash, checks and money orders are accepted.
  2. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. For your convenience and protection, you may pay by credit card as follows:
  3. Payment Plans: Our Patient Account Representatives must ensure that financial arrangements are equitable with the hospital’s payment policies and we may ask for specific information relative to your current financial situation in order to better determine payment arrangements based on your ability to pay. Windom Area Health is dependent upon your prompt payment for services rendered.
  4. Ask about our prompt pay and uninsured discount.

As a courtesy to our patients, we will bill your insurance, if all the information provided to us is correct. We will need to review your insurance card(s) at every visit to verify our records. Since your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company, you are ultimately responsible for your bill.

Some insurance companies require authorization for specific procedures performed in an outpatient setting. It is the responsibility of the patient/responsible party to know their insurance policy and call for authorization, or the claim may be processed at a low benefit level.


Windom Area Health will submit your hospital claims to Medicare. Please bring your insurance card(s) to the hospital at every visit so we can verify our records. For your convenience the appropriate hospital claims will also be sent to your Medicare supplemental insurance. You will be notified of your financial responsibility
after Medicare payment has been made. Notice: Medicare does not cover self-administered drugs. You will be billed for drugs that were or could have been self-administered.


Medicaid/UCare/Blue Plus requires that you provide the hospital with a current copy of your Medicaid/UCare/Blue Plus Eligibility Card. We will submit claims to Medicaid/UCare/Blue Plus and you will be notified of any non-covered services copays and/or spend down amounts for which you are financially responsible.


Hospital services incurred resulting from a worker’s compensation injury must be reported to your employer, and your employer must complete a First Report of Injury.


Even though there may be a claim against another person or company, it is your responsibility to notify the appropriate person or business of your possible liability claim with them. You may have given your health insurance information at the time you requested services. However, we cannot file this claim to your health insurance carrier without a payment or denial from the responsible third party or insurance carrier. Medicare recipients must exhaust all other payment options before Medicare will accept responsibility for any bills. Medicare also requires providers to notify them of the liability claim, even if no charges are due to Medicare. You are responsible to ensure that Windom Area Health is paid regardless of pending, disputed, or litigated claims.


Monday–Friday │ 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
507-831-0616 or 800-720-1501

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