Specialty Clinics Schedule

Specialty Clinics provides a variety of services to patients at Windom Area Health by working with a number of specialists, both local and in-house.

View the monthly schedule for when the visiting providers and in-house clinics will be coming to the hospital. This calendar is subject to change - if a provider is unable to visit on a scheduled day or a clinic will be closed, all patients affected will be contacted.

Regular Schedules for Providers:

To see if there are any deviations from a provider's regular schedule, see calendars above.

(Note: Dr. Fernandez do not have a regular schedule. Please refer to calendars above to see currently scheduled days or call to inquire.)

Dr. Goldberg - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Monday
Dr. Hinshaw - Every Monday
Dr. Kamlitz- Every Monday
Tabitha Bosire - Every Monday
Jennifer Krieg - Every Monday
Dr. Stormont - Every Monday

Dr. Botker - Every Tuesday (Surgery & Clinic-Primarily Clinic 2nd, 4th & 5th) (Primarily Surgery 1st & 3rd)
April Quigley - Every Tuesday
Jennifer Krieg - Every Tuesday
Dr. Kamlitz- Every Tuesday
Dr. Hinshaw - Every Tuesday
Dr. Dickes - 2nd & 4th Tuesday (Surgery)
Tabitha Bosire - Every Tuesday
Dr. Stormont - Every Tuesday

Dr. Reddy - Surgery & Clinic every Wednesday
Dr. Kamlitz- Every Wednesday
Dr. Santos - 2nd Wednesday every month
Dr. Hinshaw - Every Wednesday (Lakefield AM; WAH PM)
Dr. Dickes - 1st & 3rd Wednesday (Surgery/Clinic)
Dr. Nichols - 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Wednesday every month
Jennifer Krieg - Every Wednesday
Tabitha Bosire - Every Wednesday

Sanford Cardiovascular: Dr. Clark - 2nd & 4th Thursday every month
Dr. Kamlitz- Every Thursday
Dr. Yu - (Usually the 2nd Thursday every other month)
Dr. Hinshaw - Every Thursday
Jennifer Krieg - Every Thursday
Tabitha Bosire - Every Thursday
Lori Fett - Every Thursday

Liz Coleman - Every Friday
OccMed - Every Friday
Dr. Kamlitz- Every Friday
Dr. Hinshaw - Every Friday
Jesse Hyde - 2nd & 4th Friday every month
Darla Miles - Every Friday (Telemed)
Tabitha Bosire - Every Friday
Jennifer Krieg - Every Friday

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