
Windom Area Health is proud to offer 3D Mammography, providing the best in screening technology to detect breast cancer early.

Did you know eight out of ten women who have breast cancer do not have a family history of breast cancer? Women often think their self-exam is enough or they aren’t at risk for breast cancer if it doesn’t run in the family.  Self-exams are critical, but mammograms can detect lumps much smaller than what we can feel.

3D Mammograms offered 5 days a week!
Call 507-831-0670 to schedule an appointment.


3D Mammography

3D Mammography

Mammography is a safe, low-dose x-ray of the breast, recommended annually for women 40 and over.  3D Mammograms are the most effective breast cancer screening tools available today.  It provides greater accuracy, earlier detection, reduced callbacks, and is FDA-approved as a superior screening tool for those with dense breast tissue.

Women are provided with a more accurate understanding of their breast health and reduced anxiety with state-of-the-art 3D Mammography.


3D Mammography is offered at Windom Area Health 5 days a week.  Call the Windom Area Health Scheduling Department 507-831-0670 to schedule an appointment

What to Expect

What to Expect

Our highly-trained mammography experts will guide you through the exam.  The screening itself will only take a few seconds.  Each breast will be placed between the surfaces on the machine and gently compressed. With our new SmartCurve paddles, pressure and discomfort have been greatly reduced.

The 3D mammography machine will move above you from side to side to capture multiple high-quality images of the breast to build an accurate 3D image.  The resulting image will help detect changes and lumps in the breast that may be too small to feel or see.


Don’t let cost deter you, most mammograms are covered under insurance as part of preventative care. The Women’s Health Fund at Windom Area Health also offers financial assistance for those who qualify. Click on link provided below for more details and how to qualify.

Women’s Health Fund Information


To make an appointment, visit My Sanford Chart or call the Windom Area Health Scheduling Department at 507-831-0670.

Diagnostic Mammography

Diagnostic Mammography

If abnormalities are detected in your annual screening mammogram, you will be contacted to return for a Diagnostic Mammogram.  This diagnostic exam is similar to a screening mammogram, but it focuses on specific areas of the breast that are of concern. A radiologist will be present during each diagnostic exam to review images, give the results, and any follow up procedures. These findings will then be discussed with you before you leave your appointment.

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