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Scrubs on Wheels

Join us for our scrub sale fundraiser! Great time to get gifts for those scrub wearers or just a new wardrobe for yourself! Check out the new trailer! Equipped with two dressing rooms and plenty of room to shop. Don't have an item in your size available that day? They will shop items right to your door! Truly a […]

Breastfeeding Class

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Breastfeeding Class is a two-hour program (6:30-8:30 p.m.) outlining the benefits of breastfeeding. It teaches expecting parents the basic techniques to begin breastfeeding. This program is taught by Windom Area Hospital's Lactation Consultant. For more information or to register, contact 507-831-2400. **Classes are subject to cancellation if attendance levels are low.**

Childbirth Refresher Class

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Are you getting ready to welcome another baby into your family? The Birth Place at Windom Area Hospital offers a one-night Childbirth Refresher course for experienced parents. Join us for a 2 hour course on labor and delivery patterns, pain management options, relaxation techniques, a chance to meet other expecting parents, and time for discussion. […]

Parkinson’s Support Group

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Prenatal Education-Series

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]


Blood Drive

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Save a life! Windom Area Hospital will be holding a blood drive on Monday, June 12th.  Community Blood Bank’s bloodmobile will be on-site to take donations near the hospital's main entrance. Excepting donations from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2:30-5 p.m. For questions or to schedule an appointment please call Windom Area Hospital Lab at 831-0655.

Parkinson’s Support Group

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Prenatal Education-Series

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

12-Week Weight Loss Challenge-START

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Windom Area Health and Fitness is excited to announce their annual 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge will begin on January 15. The weight loss challenge is a great time to get motivated and lose those unwanted pounds with a little friendly, confidential competition. For $55 per person (plus tax) you will receive full use of the fitness center for […]


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