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Childbirth Refresher Class

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Are you getting ready to welcome another baby into your family? The Birth Place at Windom Area Hospital offers a one-night Childbirth Refresher course for experienced parents. Join us for a 2 hour course on labor and delivery patterns, pain management options, relaxation techniques, a chance to meet other expecting parents, and time for discussion. […]

Parkinson’s Support Group

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Prenatal Education-Series

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]


Blood Drive

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Save a life! Windom Area Hospital will be holding a blood drive on Monday, June 12th.  Community Blood Bank’s bloodmobile will be on-site to take donations near the hospital's main entrance. Excepting donations from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2:30-5 p.m. For questions or to schedule an appointment please call Windom Area Hospital Lab at 831-0655.

Parkinson’s Support Group

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Prenatal Education-Series

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

12-Week Weight Loss Challenge-START

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Windom Area Health and Fitness is excited to announce their annual 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge will begin on January 15. The weight loss challenge is a great time to get motivated and lose those unwanted pounds with a little friendly, confidential competition. For $55 per person (plus tax) you will receive full use of the fitness center for […]


Parkinson’s Support Group

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Valentine’s Day Balloon & Bake Sale

Join us for a Valentine's Day event, a balloon and bake sale hosted by our very own Auxiliary. Lot's of baked goodies, stuffed animals, candy, balloons and much more! Hours are from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. They are sure to have something for everyone on your Valentine's Day list!  

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