Scrub Sale
Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MNWe are having a Scrub Sale! Scrubs On Wheels will be here on Wednesday, October 24th from 7:30 am-2:00 pm. You can pay via cash, check, credit card or payroll deduction.
We are having a Scrub Sale! Scrubs On Wheels will be here on Wednesday, October 24th from 7:30 am-2:00 pm. You can pay via cash, check, credit card or payroll deduction.
This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]
We invite you to join us for a spooky path, scarecrow viewing and a trunk or treat! Plenty of fun and frights await!
The Diabetes Awareness Expo is an education and support event for people with diabetes, caregivers, or for anyone who is interested in learning more about diabetes. This event features dietitian and diabetes professionals to provide you with information on how to prevent diabetes or how to better control your diabetes. For additional information please contact […]
This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]
19 years and running! We will be celebrating all week! Come join us! -10% off all memberships -Taste Testing Event on 11/13 -Raffle Drawing -Meet New Staff -Learn about Pool Pass Memberships -Learn about Future Plans
This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]
Breastfeeding Class is a two-hour program (6:30-8:30 p.m.) outlining the benefits of breastfeeding. It teaches expecting parents the basic techniques to begin breastfeeding. This program is taught by Windom Area Hospital's Lactation Consultant. For more information or to register, contact 507-831-2400. **Classes are subject to cancellation if attendance levels are low.**
Are you getting ready to welcome another baby into your family? The Birth Place at Windom Area Hospital offers a one-night Childbirth Refresher course for experienced parents. Join us for a 2 hour course on labor and delivery patterns, pain management options, relaxation techniques, a chance to meet other expecting parents, and time for discussion. […]
The Diabetes Support Group is an education and support series for people with diabetes, caregivers, or for anyone who is interested in learning more about diabetes. The support series features an education component, a time to share personal experiences and a question and answer session. Ashley Gehl, MS, RD, LD, will be speaking at this event. […]