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Parkinson’s Support Group

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Prenatal Education-Series

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

Prenatal Education-Series

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

Prenatal Education-Series

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

Stroke Screening

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

Not only are strokes the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. they also are the leading cause of adult disability. Being proactive allows for early intervention and treatment before the disease becomes advanced or difficult to manage. Stroke screenings are recommended for age 40 and older. The Windom Area Hospital will be hosting […]

Prenatal Education-Series

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

Diabetes Support Group

Mountain Lake Public Library 1054 4th Ave, Mountain Lake, MN, United States

  This diabetes support group meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:45pm. May Topic: Summer Safety - Exercising and the Heat Location: Mt. Lake Public Library

Hospital Week

National Hospital Week celebrates us as a Hospital and the employees who support the health and well being of our community through compassion and care. Take the time and thank all of our dedicated individuals, from physicians, nurses, therapists to food service, administration, billing and volunteers. Working as a team to support the hospital and […]

Parkinson’s Support Group

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

The Parkinson's Support Group Meets monthly - Every 2nd Tuesday from September - June. 2:00 p.m. at the Windom Area Hospital Large Conference Room (enter through Rehab Entrance) Our informal group is a great resource for those recently diagnosed, to long time survivors, to anyone in between! Caregivers are also welcome to come alone or […]

Prenatal Education-Series

Windom Area Hospital 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom , MN

This is a 5-week program (6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings) covering labor and delivery patterns, possible unexpected outcomes, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and tips on caring for a newborn. The Prenatal Education Series is taught by a Registered Nurse who has been educated through the Sanford Prenatal […]

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