February Heart & Vascular Screenings

Windom Area Health 2150 Hospital Drive, Windom

Do you smoke, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or are overweight? Do you suffer from leg cramps, varicose veins, or leg pain? These factors–or a family history of heart disease, vascular disease, aortic aneurysm, or stroke–put you at risk for heart or vascular disease. February is National Heart Health Month and the Windom Area […]

Heart Healthy Lunch & Learn

Cottonwood County Historical Society 812 4th Ave, Windom

**Session is Full!  Thank you to everyone who has registered!** Join us on Thursday, February 29th for a FREE presentation on heart health with Dr. Jonnson of Sanford Cardiovascular and learn how to build a healthier sandwich with Registered Dietitian, Abby Kipfer! Call 507-831-0620 to get registered. Meal guarantee deadline is February 22nd. **Session is […]

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