Scrub Sale
We are having a Scrub Sale! Scrubs On Wheels will be here on Tuesday, July 17th from 7:30 am-2:00 pm. You can pay via cash, check, credit card or payroll deduction.
We are having a Scrub Sale! Scrubs On Wheels will be here on Tuesday, July 17th from 7:30 am-2:00 pm. You can pay via cash, check, credit card or payroll deduction.
Every Tuesday starting July 10, Windom Area Hospital hosts a Farmers' Market. The Local Acre is our featured vendor this July. The market is located at the Hospital Main Entrance (Grassy Island Area) from 2-3 pm.
Are you getting ready to welcome another baby into your family? The Birth Place at Windom Area Hospital offers a one-night Childbirth Refresher course for experienced parents. Join us for a 2 hour course on labor and delivery patterns, pain management options, relaxation techniques, a chance to meet other expecting parents, and time for discussion. […]