Terry Tegels, Treasurer

Terry Tegels, Treasurer

Terry Tegels was appointed to serve on the governing board of Windom Area Health in July of 2021 and served as a trustee, until she moved into the Treasurer role in May of 2022.

Terry graduated with a degree in Dental Hygiene in 1979. She worked as a dental hygienist until choosing to be a stay-at-home Mom for her children. When her youngest child was in 1st grade, she returned to healthcare as office manager at Tegels’ Chiropractic from 1994 until retiring in 2018. She served on the Busy Bee Preschool board of directors and was elected to the Windom Public Schools Board of Education, serving from 1991-2005.

“As a resident of Windom since 1980, I recognize the importance of quality healthcare in our community. At Windom Area Health, community members can access services locally and see specialists providing outreach from other health facilities. WAH has made significant improvements, enabling better service to the community. I will work with the rest of the board to ensure WAH continues to progress in meeting the medical needs of the communities it serves.”

Terry has been married to her husband Tom for 43 years and they have 4 adult children and 7 grandchildren. She enjoys  golfing, reading, traveling and spending time with family and friends.

Terry Tegels
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