Volunteering at Windom Area Health
Windom Area Health is fortunate to have several volunteer-led groups, such as the Auxiliary, Patient Guides and Shuttle Bug Drivers, as well as our PFAC and Board Members. Our work at WAH would not be possible without their support!
Learn more about our fantastic volunteer groups below.
For more information on how to be involved in any of these groups, contact Katie Greener, Director of Foundation & Auxiliary, at 507-831-0633.


Serving with Heart
The Windom Area Health Auxiliary is a nonprofit volunteer organization comprised of nearly 80 members. “Serving with heart,” the Auxiliary’s mission is to support hospital initiatives through volunteerism, fundraising, and coordinating efforts that ensures a welcoming experience at Windom Area Health.
The Auxiliary was founded in 1921 with just seven women, and met monthly until disbanding in 1951. In 1974, the Auxiliary was reorganized when the “new” hospital was built. Throughout 2024, the Auxiliary will be celebrating 50 years of rich history. Auxiliary members serve as patient guides, help decorate the campus during holidays, manage the lobby gift center, conduct fundraising activities, attend monthly meetings, and complete other tasks as assigned. They contribute nearly 2,000 volunteer hours every year!
Successful Fundraising
The Auxiliary’s goal is to raise funds to purchase hospital equipment. Typically, the Auxiliary choses one project each year and coordinates activities toward that project. An annual banquet celebrates the year’s accomplishments and presents a check to the sponsored department or project. Over $300,000 has been donated to the hospital through various fundraising efforts:
- Managing the gift center
- Pecan sales
- Valentine’s Day and Halloween Bake Sales
- December Craft & Bake Sales
- Quilt raffles
- Fall Festival
Successful projects have uplifted the patient experience and enabled WAH to provide improved care:
- Knit hats for newborn babies
- Gift packs for new parents
- Vital signs monitors
- Patient bereavement mementos
- Patient transport carts
- Hospital week staff gifts and meal
- Physical therapy equipment
- Giving Tree program gift wrapping
Become a Member!
The Auxiliary is a great way to be involved in the community and the happenings at Windom Area Health. Membership is open to adults—men and women. Meetings are on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Large Conference Room at WAH. The Auxiliary offers two membership levels:
- Active: Active members participate in activities and events, and pay $20 dues.
- Associate: Associate members are not required to attend monthly meetings or events, but support the Auxiliary through annual $20 dues.
Contact Katie Greener, Director of Foundation & Auxiliary, for more information about joining at 507-831-0633.

Patient Guides

Volunteer at Windom Area Health by being a patient guide! Patient Guides help provide a welcoming experience by greeting patients and guiding them to their appointment on the hospital campus. These volunteers assist front desk staff as needed.
All Patient Guides undergo volunteer training and serve a couple shifts per month. Volunteers are required to submit proof of an annual flu vaccination.
Contact Katie Greener, Director of Foundation & Auxiliary, for more information at 507-831-0633.
Shuttle Bug Drivers
Help escort patients to where they need to go by driving our indoor golf cart, the Shuttle Bug! This vehicle was donated by the Windom Area Health Foundation in 2024 to alleviate the accessibility challenges during the Medical Building construction. This is a great option if you have experience driving a golf cart or lawn mower, and enjoy being around people.
Drivers undergo volunteer training and a “driver’s ed” training with a member of our Maintenance staff. They, along with any volunteer, must submit proof of an annual flu vaccination.
For more information, please reach out to Katie Greener, Director of Foundation & Auxiliary, at 507-831-0633.

Board Members
A great way to volunteer at Windom Area Health is to serve on a board. Board members are not compensated for their time.
Click on the links below to be redirected to more information on our various boards:
Contact Katie Greener, Director of Foundation & Auxiliary, for more information at 507-831-0633.